
Irlanda, el sexo y el cine

A partir de un estudio realizado por Irish Film Magazine y un artículo publicado en El independiente. Revelador de cómo, aunque cada vez las nuevas generaciones se separan más del catolicismo, las actitudes sociales de los viejos tiempos siguen muy presentes en la sociedad

We are more turned on by property and politics than sex in our movies
New study shows we're disgusted at thought of home-grown actors in passionate embraces, writes Larissa Nolan

Sunday January 13 2008

Irish people still feel deeply sexually inadequate as a nation, according to those behind the first ever survey of sex and cinema in Ireland.

FilmIreland magazine carried out a comprehensive study on our attitudes to sex in Irish film, asking such questions as whether there should be more or less sexual content in home-grown productions, and to list the country's sexiest actors and movies.

But the results show that the Irish have yet to become sexually confident, according to actor and playwright Mark O'Halloran, who was behind the survey as guest editor of the magazine.
He said many of the respondents' comments showed that we do not believe it's possible to be both sexy and Irish.

Some respondents even felt disgusted at the thought of watching Irish actors in passionate embraces. And many struggle to name even one sexy Irish female actress, sometimes claiming there are none.

O'Halloran told the Sunday Independent: "It boils down to the nation's sense of sexual inadequacy. We still have not got over it! That was a bit of a shock.

"When we asked for comments about whether or not there should be more action in Irish cinema, some people actually said: 'I don't want to see Irish sex.' They were very keen on foreign films and found actors from other countries very sexy. But it was as if once an actor is from Ireland, they could not have any sex appeal."

O'Halloran said Irish directors were yet to venture into the sexual arena -- and hopes to do it himself when he finishes his raunchy film Laid Out, which features a homosexual sex scene at a funeral.

"It's strange, the lack of sex in film, as we have plenty of it in our literature, from James Joyce to JP Donleavy, to Beckett and Kavanagh. There was always some book being burned or banned.
"When we do, the films tend to belong to what I call the Sex Catastrophe Movie. In this exclusively Irish genre, sex is visited upon some poor unfortunate young woman."

He said that Neil Jordan has approached it in his movies The Crying Game and Breakfast on Pluto, which featured transgenders and transvestites respectively, but Jordan is more interested in trying to tap into sexual unease in men than anything else.

"So I ask: Where's the fun? Is there room here for someone who penetrates deep into the fun and frolics of our sexual identities?"

Unfairly, it is the Irish film censor, John Kelleher -- probably the most lenient censor in our history and a man who prefers to refer to his job as that of a film classifier -- who gets the blame for the lack of sex in movies, with 57 per cent of those polled believing there is too much censorship of films in this country.

In an interview in the magazine, Kelleher comments on how Ireland has shied away from making sexual movies, unlike other Catholic nations such as France and Spain, which have embraced the subject.

"I would imagine that's some class of residual reflection on how we are. We haven't quite come to terms with it in the same way as we have other things. It might be sexual guilt. It's quite odd."
Senator Eoghan Harris, a screenwriter and film lecturer, said Irish actors are too familiar to us.
"A certain anonymity is necessary for good screen sex. It's bad enough to see actors on Grafton Street without having to watch them get their boxers off.

"We know it's just the ride and it always looks ridiculous. I cannot imagine Irish people putting up with the longeurs of French cinema which gets its rocks off on adultery, whereas in Ireland that would be just messing in Majorca."

He said politics and property turn on Irish people much more than sex.
"The sexiest scene would be a Government Minister politician having sex with a female estate agent in a house he was thinking of buying in Ailesbury Road."

The online poll, carried out with readers of FilmIreland, revealed Colin Farrell and Breakfast on Pluto star Ruth Negga topped the lists of sexy Irish actors and actresses.
Farrell, who picked up 27 per cent of the vote, was followed by Cillian Murphy (25 per cent), Jonathan Rhys Meyers (24 per cent), Liam Neeson (14 per cent) and Gabriel Byrne (10 per cent).

Ruth Negga, who is half Irish and half Ethiopian, took nearly half of the total vote, with up and coming actresses Elaine Cassidy (15 per cent), Laura Way (12 per cent) and Emma-Eliza Regan coming in behind her. Eva Birthistle and Susan Lynch tied for the last place in the top five, with 9 per cent apiece.

Readers voted Nora -- which tells of the steamy love affair between James Joyce and Nora Barnacle -- as their sexiest Irish film ever, with Ryan's Daughter, Goldfish Memory, The Crying Game and In America making up the rest of the list.

Nora won the vote, due to its "nudity and old-style passion" according to one reader and because it is "pretty, kinky and frank" according to another.

Bizarrely, when asked to list their fantasy Irish on-screen coupling, most readers voted for male on male action.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers in a clinch with Colin Farrell was top fantasy, with Cillian Murphy and Colin Farrell in second place and Rhys Meyers and Murphy in third.

Grainne Seoige was the sexiest TV personality, followed by Caroline Morahan, Miriam O'Callaghan and Sharon Ni Bheolain.

The survey appears in FilmIreland magazine.

Oscar irlandés

Ya que ganó el oscar, dejenme al menos hacerle un poco de promoción. La película está protagonizada por dos músicos que no son actores ninguno de ellos. Él es irlandés y toca en las calles de Dublín desde los 13, dicen los dublineses que con la misma guitarra rota que sale en la peli. Ella es inmigrante checa. Se encontraron en la calle, decidieron grabar juntos y, de paso, hacer la peli, cámara en mano y en tres semanas. Mientras grababan, se enamoraron y empezaron a salir, por lo que su historia es más o menos como en la propia película. Lo suyo se ha descrito como un "cuento de hadas contemporáneo", un canto de esperanza para la música independiente, son como unos cenicientos que, con muy poco dinero y promoción, consiguieron hacer una película sincera y romántica que se ha llevado muchos premios y les ha llevado hasta lo impensable, que es conseguir un oscar de Hollywood. Una inspiración para todos los que tienen un sueño atístico y creen que nunca podrán con las dificultades de la industria. Como añadido, preciosas imágenes de Dublín y alrededores (gracias Antares, por descubrirnos la película a través de tu blog):

Sweet C


Big dream

Este video de 2001 en el que Bono cuenta, a través de Out of control, cómo se cumplió el gran sueño que es U2. Concierto de Slane Castle


La bebida de las manos de mi amor

El símbolo tradicional de recibir la bebida de manos de la amada aparece muchas veces en las leyendas de origen gaélico y está relacionada con la idea de la soberanía. Recientemente hemos podido ver este gesto en Beowulf (la bebida servida en la copa de oro por la reina Wealthow) o en El señor de los anillos (cuando la sirve Eowyn a Aragorn).

El nombre de Mebd, que es la diosa de la soberanía de Tara significa "la que intoxica", la que emborracha. De su nombre parece que proviene el de "mead", hidromiel. Es la diosa (representación de la tierra) que ofrece el vino o el licor a los gobernantes, que son sus consortes mortales. El acto de que la reina ofrezca al rey la copa forma parte de los rituales de inauguración reales de la antigua Irlanda y contribuye a situar al rey en su papel simbólico, a medias entre la tribu y los dioses.

Este gesto nos aparece también representado, por extensión, en la leyenda de Tristán e Isolda (de origen gaélico, por transformación de la de Diarmuid y Gránia), con un significado muy distinto, pues aquí es un filtro de amor el que, involuntariamente, se está compartiendo.

Os dejo con esta canción de Transatlantic Session, con Julie Fowlis y en su original en Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) y la traducción debajo, en cursiva. No la puedo incrustar, así que seguid el link ;), es muy bonita, merece la pena:

Biodh an deoch seo 'n làimh mo rùin (The drink would be in my love's hand)


Òladh neo na òladh càch i
Whether he or the others were drinking
Biodh i làn aig ceann a' bhùird
There would still be plenty on the table

Chorus (after each verse):
Biodh an deoch seo 'n làimh mo rùin
The drink would be in my love's hand
Deoch slàinte le fear an tùir
Here's a health to the chief
Biodh an deoch seo 'n làimh mo rùin
The drink would be in my love's hand

Chunnacas bàt' air an fhairge
A boat was seen on the waves
'S an làimh dhearg air an stiùir
And the red hand at the helm

Chunnaic mi dol seach' an caol i
I saw it passing through the straits
'S badan fraoich 's an t-slait shiùil
With a clump of heather on the sail-yard

Fhir a chunnaic air an t-sàil i
You who saw her out at sea
Beannaich an long bhàn 's a criùdh'
Bless the fair ship and her crew

Beannaich a cruinn àrd 's a h-acfhuinn
Bless her high masts and her equipment
A cuid acraichean 's a siùil
Her moorings and her sails

Ged a tha mi 'n seo an Colla
Though I am here in Coll
B' e mo thoil a dhol a Rùm
I long to go to Rhum

Agus as a sin a dh' Uibhist
And from there to Uist
Nan d' fhuair mi mo ghuidhe leam
Were I to get my wish


Across the universe

Estaba publicando estos videos para compartirlos con todos vosotros cuando se me ha cruzado una noticia que dice que esta canción ha sido lanzada justo ayer al espacio, por la NASA, para celebrar su 50 Aniversario. La envían, además, ¡desde Madrid! ¿Por qué escogí esta canción? ¿Por qué desde ayer estoy pensando en este post? ¿No será que quizás ya está viajando a través del universo y conectando invisiblemente sus vibraciones entre todos nosotros?

Sería maravilloso que alguien la escuchase en algún lugar distante.

Aquí la noticia (Telecinco):

La mítica canción de los Beatles "Across the Universe" ha comenzado un largo viaje por el espacio exterior. La NASA la ha enviado al cosmos a través de una antena gigante situada en Madrid para celebrar varios aniversarios de sus proezas.

La difusión de la canción compuesta por John Lennon estará dirigida a la estrella Polaris, y tardará 430 años en llegar a su punto más lejano. La NASA pretende de esta manera lanzar un mensaje de paz y amor por todo el universo. Con esta iniciativa, la agencia celebrará los 50 años de su nacimiento y de la constitución de la legendaria banda británica, además de los 40 años de la canción, que viajará por el espacio a 300.000 kilómetros por segundo. Paul McCartney ha dado su consentimiento a la NASA para la retransmisión con este mensaje enviado a la agencia espacial: "¡Fabuloso! Muy bien hecho NASA. Transmitan mis saludos a los extraterrestres".

Aquí os dejo al divino Rufus, cantando con Moby y con Sean Lennon. Beautiful.

Y para los que prefieran una versión de estudio, aquí el video con Dakota Fanning

No os voy a dejar sin la original de los Beatles. Que cumplan muchos más.

"Jai Guru Deva..."